List Documents Error: urlOfFile
Error: [List] [Documents] Error: urlOfFile Parameter name: Specified value is not supported for the urlOfFile parameter. Solution: Open the default content type Document in the template and change the option for the template to URL.
Workspaces get the same URL from Fast Workspaces
In the Collaboration Manager for Sharepoint Online is a function for generating Fast Workspaces sequentially. You can change this setting under CM365 -> Setup -> Settings -> Fast Workspaces -> allow fast workspace safe obtention Please note that ...
Status Field will not be changed after provisioning a Modern Site
Problem: The status field is not taken into account when creating a modern site. Reason: The status field is not assigned to the Content Type "O365 Group" by default. Therefore, the default value of this field is not taken into account (It is ...
Cannot create Workspaces (CM is installed on two Site Collections or more)
Problem: When you create a workspace you are getting an Error. In the log there is an entry like "... invalid field name ..." Reason: You have installed the Collaboration Manager on two Site Collections or more. The settings for the CM are global, so ...
"Only secure content is displayed" notification in Internet Explorer
Problem: The blue bar (Chrome Control) at the top of the page is not being displayed and Internet Explorer shows up the notification "Only secure content is displayed". Possible Reason: The Chrome Control loads content from SharePoint and from ...
Getting "This page can't be displayed" when opening modal dialogs
Problem: Getting, "This page can't be displayed" when opening modal Dialogs (Create new Template, Save Template etc.) Possible Reasons: It normally happens when the security level for the trusted sites is set to low, medium-low and medium. Internet ...
CM 365 - User can not use the Collaboration Manager
Reason: The affected user has no license in SharePoint. The user cannot create SiteCollections or be added in group-memberships, for example. You can proof the license-status under the Admin Center in the Users menu. Solution: To use the unlicensed ...
Dropdown shows no content
Dropdown shows no content Problem: I'll demonstrate the error with the modal Dialog "Add workspace permission". This issue can also occur with other Dropdowns. Actually the loading image should be displayed and the templates should be loaded from ...
Device Channel Error in log.log
The following error can be seen in the log : [05.10.2015 09:12:53] [ListItem] [1_.000] Progress: Importing [05.10.2015 09:12:53] [ListItem] [1_.000] Verbose: List URL: /workspace_sites/PublishingDeviceChannelErrorTest/DeviceChannels [05.10.2015 ...
Creating a template results in an error status
Creating a template results in an error status Problem: Creating a template leads to an error status in the templates library. Possible Reasons: The Administrator Account has not been created as described in our documentation Creating the template ...
CM throwing error "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Keyset does not exist or Access is denied."
CM throwing error "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Keyset does not exist or Access is denied." If you're getting one of the following error messages in your application: Message: Keyset does not exist StackTrace: at ...
Buttons "Save / Create Template" sind nicht mehr sichtbar im Ribbon
Buttons "Save / Create Template" sind nicht mehr sichtbar im Ribbon Problem: Es kann vorkommen, dass die Buttons vom Collaboration Manager 365 nicht mehr im Ribbon angezeigt werden. Damit lässt sich die App nicht mehr benutzen. Ursache: Unbekannt. ...
Account expired - Apps don't get deployed
Symptom Either no site is getting created or specific parts are missing, e.g. Apps won't get installed in a workspace. Cause It's very likely that the service account used by Collaboration Manager 365 has expired. This happens when password ...