Workspace creation Error occured - Exception Contentdb null

Workspace creation Error occured - Exception Contentdb null


When creating a Workspace you receive the following error in the ULS log and status is set to "Error occured":

ULS Error:

Solutions2Share.Solutions.CollaborationManager.Services.Components.Workspace.CreateFromTemplateInternal: Contentdb null or not in ContentDBCollection. ExceptionType: 'Exception' ExceptionMessage: 'Contentdb null or not in ContentDBCollection.' StackTrace: ' at Solutions2Share.Solutions.CollaborationManager.Services.Components.Workspace.CreateFromTemplateInternal(String siteUrl, String SiteTitle, UInt32 lcid, SPUser owner, Byte[] TemplateFile, SPListItem workspaceListItem, Boolean createArchivedWS, Guid contentdbid, String customWorkspaceUrl, Nullable`1 isHostNamedSiteCollection)' Source: 'Solutions2Share.Solutions.CollaborationManager.Services' TargetSite: 'Solutions2Share.Solutions.CollaborationManager.Services.Container.CreateWorkspaceResult CreateFromTemplateInternal(System.String, System.String, UInt32, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUser, Byte[], Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem, Boolean, System.Guid, System.String, System.Nullable`1[System.Boolean])'



You may have enabled automatic database creation and no quote may have been applied to the template. Thus quota calculation cannot occur which results in an error. 


Go into Collaboration Manager's Template library, edit the properties of the affected template and make sure a correct quota has been applied.

More Information

This applies to:

  • Collaboration Manager 
  • Collaboration Manager

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