Troubleshooting Unexpected Messages in Shared Channels

Troubleshooting Unexpected Messages in Shared Channels


The purpose of this article is to address an issue encountered by Domenik Schöttner, where notifications were incorrectly being sent to shared and other channels within Microsoft Teams.

Issue Description

The user reported that after October 27, lifecycle notifications intended for the general channel were incorrectly being disseminated to all channels within Teams. The issue persisted even after disabling the toggle in the settings intended to stop notifications to the general channel.

Resolution Steps

Initial Assessment

  • The support team acknowledged the problem and suggested turning off the notifications toggle as a potential solution.

Further Investigation

  • After the remote session, it was discovered that notifications were being sent to all channels, not just the general channel.
  • The support team proposed to investigate the issue by conducting tests in their environment.

Temporary Solution

  • As per the conversation, the support team advised turning off the toggle in the settings, which was the solution sought by the user.

Follow-up Actions

  • The user was instructed to inform the support team if the issue persisted after implementing the suggested solution by replying to the ticket or opening a new one.

Confirmation of Understanding

  • The support team reached out to the user for confirmation of receipt of the previous responses and to ensure that the solution provided was satisfactory.


The issue regarding unexpected messages in shared channels has been temporarily addressed by disabling a settings toggle. Solutions2Share support team is prepared to conduct further investigations if the problem is not resolved.


Users experiencing similar issues or requiring additional assistance should contact the Solutions2Share Support Team. We are committed to providing the necessary support to ensure our products perform optimally for our clients.


Users are encouraged to promptly provide feedback regarding the effectiveness of the solutions provided. If any issues arise or further clarification is needed, please reach out for further support.

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