Resolving User Invitation Issues in External User Manager

Resolving User Invitation Issues in External User Manager


In the realm of Teams Manager, administrators occasionally encounter a specific challenge involving the External User Manager (EUM). This issue pertains to the re-sending of user invitations, especially in cases where a user request no longer exists in the EUM. Such a scenario can significantly impact both users and administrators, leading to delays in user onboarding and potential disruptions in workflow.

Problem Statement

  • Issue: Inability to resend an invitation to a user because their request is no longer visible in the External User Manager.
  • Error Scenario: The user has been completely removed from the tenant, yet the invitation cannot be reissued due to the absence of their request in the EUM.
  • User Impact: This issue prevents new users from being added efficiently, impacting user onboarding and access to necessary resources.

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Verify User Deletion: Confirm that the user in question has been fully removed from your tenant.
  2. Access EUM: Log into the External User Manager.
  3. Search for User: Attempt to locate the user's invitation or request.
    • If the request is visible, proceed to resend the invitation.
    • If the request is not visible, continue to the next step.
  4. Check System Logs: Review system logs for any errors or messages related to the user's invitation or deletion.
  5. Manual Override:
    • Navigate to the administrative section of EUM.
    • Use the manual override function to recreate the user's request or invitation.
  6. Resend Invitation: Once the request is visible, attempt to resend the invitation.
  7. Monitor Response: Ensure that the user receives the invitation and can complete the onboarding process.
  8. Documentation: Document the steps taken for future reference and compliance.

Additional Tips

  • Alternative Solutions: In cases where the EUM does not display the user request, consider temporarily adding the user back to the tenant, then proceed with the standard invitation process.
  • Related Systems: Ensure that there are no conflicting settings in interconnected systems like Teams Manager or MindMap that might affect user invitations.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your Teams Manager and EUM updated to the latest versions to avoid known bugs and issues.


  1. What if the user is still not receiving the invitation after these steps?
    • Check the user's spam folder and verify that their email server is not blocking emails from your domain.
  2. Can we automate the re-invitation process for deleted users?
    • Automation might be possible depending on your specific configuration and policies. Consult the Teams Manager documentation for more details.
  3. How do we prevent this issue from recurring?
    • Regularly review user management protocols and ensure all administrators are trained on best practices for managing user invitations and deletions.

Troubleshooting Further Issues

  • If similar issues arise, first check for any system updates or patches.
  • Review the Teams Manager and EUM logs for any unusual activity or error messages.
  • Consult the Teams Manager help documentation for specific error codes or messages.

Product Information

Teams Manager is a versatile tool designed to streamline and enhance the management of Microsoft Teams environments. It simplifies user management, team creation, and permission settings, thereby enhancing the overall user experience. Resolving issues like the one discussed here ensures a smoother, more efficient user management process, which is vital for maintaining a productive and secure Teams environment.

  • [Managing External Users in External User Manager]
  • [Optimizing Collaboration with MindMap]
  • [Effective File Management in Teams]
  • [Utilizing Hyperlinks in Teams Manager]

Note: Replace placeholders with specific technical details or error codes related to Teams Manager as needed.