Limitations - Release 29.04.2019 - Version:

Limitations - Release 29.04.2019 - Version:

Template Typ (Classic Site, Group, Team, Modern Site without Group and Communication Site)

Process (Create, Apply, Sync, Upload and Delete)

Behavior / Symptom

Known workaround



Notebook tab is provisioned empty if Office 365 group doesn’t yet contain a notebook

Remove the Notebook tab from the Team and sync the workspace



Channels and tabs can’t be renamed. Renaming leads to new provisioning

Don't rename team tabs

Team, Group, Modern Site without Group, Communication Site

Apply, Sync, Upload

Folders are not supported with special characters such as ‘%’, ‘#’, ‘;’

Please rename your folder and remove any special characters such as ‘%’, ‘#’, ‘;’

Team, Group, Modern Site without Group, Communication Site


Addicional listitems are not provisioned


There is no Workaround

Team, Group, Modern Site without Group, Communication Site



Existing documents are not overwritten

There is no Workaround


Team, Group, Modern Site without Group, Communication Site



Renaming existing folders leads on new folders since they won’t be updated

There is no Workaround




Team won’t be deleted through Delete ribbon button since Microsoft’s delete API for teams doesn’t work properly

Delete the Team through the UI


Apply, Sync

Tab names containing special characters may be wrongly displayed. The problem couldn’t be identified in all tested tenants

Avoid using special characters in the name of team tabs


Apply, Sync

Website tab was provisioned but it doesn’t show any content

This is a Microsoft bug and they are working on it 🙂 You’ll experience the same problem when adding the website tab yourself


Apply, Sync

User is asked to configure PowerBI tab after provisioning

PowerBI tabs aren’t supported yet


Apply, Sync

Template tab named Wiki is not provisioned

We don’t provision team tabs named Wiki since these tabs are automatically created by Teams



Teams engine can't recreate a pre-existing channel name. A pre-existing channel is a channel which has been firstly provisioned through the engine but than it was deleted by a user. Once a channel name has been created, even if it's deleted, it cannot be recreated. Microsoft’s system maintains this data for information protection scenarios.

Consider renaming the channel’s name in template in order to provision it with a sync



Site Template banner is shown in Document Library tab after template uploading

Since Microsoft doesn’t support Document Library tab to be provisioned, we provision it as a WebSite tab. After uploading a Team template, you must remove the generated “document library” tab and re-add it as a real Document Library tab



Document Library tab was provisioned as a WebSite tab

Since Microsoft doesn’t support Document Library tab to be provisioned, we provision it as a WebSite tab. There is no Workaround


Apply, Sync

SharePoint lists and pages from the template were added as WebSite tab. After provisioning is complete, these tabs refers to the template

WebSite tabs always refers to the specified URL. Consider using the correct tab type instead

In addition to Solutions2Share’s limitation list, there are also Microsoft limitations for Teams. Please refer to this list:

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