Providing Access to Create Teams in Teams Manager

Providing Access to Create Teams in Teams Manager


This article describes how to provide users with access to create teams within Teams Manager. This capability is essential for team leads and project managers in managing their teams and projects effectively.

Problem Statement

The user is seeking assistance with obtaining access to create teams within Teams Manager. However, no further detail was provided regarding the specific issues encountered, resulting in a need for more information.

Step-by-Step Solution

To grant a user the ability to create teams within Teams Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Teams Manager's administration settings.
  2. Select the role management or user management section.
  3. Find the user in question and select their profile.
  4. Modify their permissions to include 'Create Teams'.
  5. Save the changes.

Please note that due to the unspecified nature of the query, it's important the user provides more detailed information on the issue they're experiencing. If the issue persists, consider setting up a short session to discuss and help resolve the problem.

Additional Tips

Regularly check user permissions and roles within Teams Manager to ensure everyone has the appropriate access according to their role and responsibilities.


Q: What permissions are needed to create teams in Teams Manager?

A: The 'Create Teams' permission is required for a user to create teams within Teams Manager.

Q: What happens if a user doesn't have the required permission?

A: Without the 'Create Teams' permission, the user won't be able to create new teams within Teams Manager. They can still be a member of teams, but they cannot initiate them.

Troubleshooting Further Issues

  1. Check User Permissions: Regularly verify if users have the correct permissions for their roles. Adjust them as necessary.
  2. Contact Support: Reach out to our Solutions2Share support team for further assistance if the issue persists or for any other questions related to Teams Manager.

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