Error "Value does not fall within the expected range"

Error "Value does not fall within the expected range"


You're using Collaboration Manager and have added multiple columns in the workspace list. Creating a workspace fails with "Error occured". When looking into the ULS Log you see an error like:

Solutions2Share.Solutions.CollaborationManager.Sources.Components.AuditManagement.CheckListItem: Value does not fall within the expected range. ExceptionType: 'ArgumentException' ExceptionMessage: 'Value does not fall within the expected range.' StackTrace: '

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldMap.GetColumnNumber(String strFieldName, Boolean bThrow)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.GetColumnNumber(String groupName, Boolean bThrowException)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.GetValue(SPField fld, Int32 columnNumber, Boolean bRaw, Boolean bThrowException)

at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.get_Item(Guid fieldId)

at Solutions2Share.Solutions.CollaborationManager.Sources.Components.AuditManagement.CheckListItem(SPListItem item, IEnumerable`1 entries)' Source: 'Microsoft.SharePoint' TargetSite: 'Int32 GetColumnNumber(System.String, Boolean)'



SharePoint Resource Throttling reached its amount on lookup fields in the Workspace list.


Reduce the number of lookup fields in your workspace list.

More Information

Users who are member of a SharePoint group and permissions are granted through a group permissions field, will not be synced into the workspace after creation.

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