Changing Templates for Managed Teams in Teams Manager

Changing Templates for Managed Teams in Teams Manager


This article discusses the current limitations and a potential workaround for changing templates for managed teams within Teams Manager.

Problem Statement

Administrators often inquire if it's possible to change the template of a managed team to a different managed template in Teams Manager.

Solution Overview

Currently, Teams Manager does not support the direct alteration of a managed team's template to another managed template. A workaround exists, but it's considered unusual and not a recommended best practice.

Step-by-Step Workaround

  1. Understanding the Limitation:

    • Recognize that Teams Manager does not inherently support changing a managed team's template.
  2. Using PowerShell for Team Copy:

    • Copy the existing team using PowerShell commands.
    • This involves scripting to duplicate team configurations.
  3. Converting to a Managed Team:

    • Convert the newly created team copy into a managed team within Teams Manager.
  4. Assigning a Different Template:

    • Assign a different template to the newly managed team.
    • Note that this might involve changing the language setting to differentiate from the original.
  5. Considering the Risks:

    • Be aware that this method is not a standard practice.
    • It may lead to unforeseen complications or management issues.

Additional Tips

  • Evaluate the Need: Carefully consider if changing the template is necessary, given the potential risks.
  • Backup Data: Ensure all important data is backed up before proceeding.
  • Testing: Perform this workaround in a test environment first to avoid disrupting live team settings.


  1. Can I directly change the template of a managed team in Teams Manager?

    • No, Teams Manager does not currently support this feature directly.
  2. What are the risks of using the PowerShell workaround?

    • The workaround is not a standard practice and might lead to complications in team management and functionality.
  3. Is there a possibility of data loss during this process?

    • While not common, always back up critical data before attempting such workarounds.

Troubleshooting Further Issues

  • If complications arise, it's recommended to revert to the original team setup.
  • Consult Teams Manager support for guidance and potential alternative solutions.

Product Information

Teams Manager is designed for efficient management and governance of Microsoft Teams. While it offers various features, certain limitations like template changes for managed teams exist. Understanding these boundaries helps in effective and safe administration of Teams environments.

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